Believe in Yourself: Overcoming Challenges and Starting Something New
The most challenging thing is always getting started.
We’re living in a shaky present with an uncertain future. A generation that’s left to its own devices.
And that’s at the same time great and scary.
Scary because nobody tells you what to do, and you cannot grasp or predict any possible future.
Great because the opportunities are immense, and you could be the creator of your own future.
However, oftentimes you do not know where to start.
There is one thing you can do, though, and it will always be in your control.
Being authentic and believing in yourself.
And following that with your thoughts and your actions.
To live a fulfilled life, your thoughts and actions must be aligned, and you must choose to be the best version of yourself.
That written like that sounds corny, but it is the only reason things happen to you and will happen to you the way you want them to.
Believing in yourself means trusting your inner self and acting accordingly.
The moment that you stop believing in yourself and wait for people to believe in you is when you lose the experience of living your life to your full potential. You stop living for what you were meant to become.
How do you figure out what your inner self wants?
First, you must learn to listen within yourself and distinguish your heart from your ego.
When you are insecure and need love or approval from the outside, it’s your ego speaking.
On the other hand, the heart speaks to you when you are secure and feel safe, when you recognize that the world is only a reflection of your soul. Because everything you need in this world is already inside you. You only have to dig.
Pay attention to it next time you are unsure of what you want.
When your heart speaks, or rather, whispers to you, listen to it and act accordingly.
Unfortunately, often what it tells you might sound scary or uncomfortable.
For example, it’s always easier to snooze your alarm and stay under the warm blanket rather than get up and face the unknown of a new day.
Yet, you may recall back well from your memory those moments when you follow your heart.
In those moments, you were uncertain, but you trusted the process.
You knew what the right thing to do was. And you went for it. Only later you realized that long-term benefits always proved to be greater than the fear or that discomfort you experienced in the first moment.
Starting this blog page from scratch is not easy for me.
I feel unsure of my writing skills and face self-doubt. Though, I believe it’s natural to feel intimidated when embarking on a new endeavor.
However, during these past years as a blog manager of a European project, one key lesson I’ve learned is the importance of self-belief. It’s essential to trust in your abilities, believe in your vision, and have confidence in your own potential. When you believe in yourself, you can overcome challenges, stay resilient, and achieve your goals.
To cultivate self-belief, try practicing positive self-talk (with a big smile, saying good morning in the mirror when you wake up), surrounding yourself with supportive people, setting realistic goals, and celebrating small wins. Remember to be patient with yourself and stay persistent, as success often comes with perseverance and determination.
Once you believe in yourself, find what excites you.
Often, more than receiving, it is giving.
That’s why in this online space, I want to share content I hope will help you in your personal and professional life, especially if you are straddling university and work and not quite sure what to choose and how to envision your future.
By tapping into my experience, I will periodically share content to help you in your journey and smoothen your path.
Stay tuned for more!