How silly are we?
I mean, we are born alone, we die alone, and we spend a life craving for connection.
And with this, I don’t necessarily mean a romantic relationship. Let’s be clear on this.
It also means a friendship, a connection with nature, or spirituality.
We are all craving for connection.
That’s the reality. And that’s why most of us are glued to social media.
The desire for connection is the driver of our lives.
However, the first and foremost connection you should develop is with (guess who…)—yourself.
Right, yourself.
Be your friend. Be your lover. Be your motivator. Be the director of your life.
Be the creator of your life.
“The mind is a temple of knowledge, the heart is a temple of understanding, and the soul is a temple of wisdom; together they are a temple of enlightenment.”
—Matshona Dhliwayo